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With an absolute contraindication you cannot receive a massage or Reiki and with a relative contraindication partially not or after consultation with your general practitioner or treating physician.


The list of contraindications mentioned below is non-exhaustive. This means that this list is not complete and your personal situation may not be mentioned, for this reason always contact your doctor or treating physician first in case of a medical condition or use of medication. 


Absolute contra indicatest:
With absolute contraindications you cannot receive a massage and in some cases not without prior permission from your treating doctor.

  • Infectious diseases such as fever, flu, laryngitis, etc. 

  • Inflammation 

  • Damaged skin with open wound

  • Extreme fatigue & poor general health (massage can then give too much stimulus)

  • Pregnancy 1st 3 months*

  • Cancer, vein and heart disease

  • Boils, cold sores, acne and other contagious skin conditions

  • Diabetes

  • Neurogenic complaints (Hernia)

  • People who are under psychiatric treatment or previous psychosis

  • Unknown/much pain
    (because of the immune tension, a massage is of little or no use and it is unclear what is going on)

  • Medicines with a yellow sticker (after consultation with the attending physician)

  • Thrombosis (consult with the treating doctor whether there are places that may be massaged)

Relative contraindications:

With relative contraindications you can be massaged, but I take into account the place, dosage and / or technique. Always consult your treating doctor first.

  • Damaged skin - skin with dry wound

  • Varicose veins

  • Bruises, injuries and/or bruises

  • psoriasis

  • Vascular disorders 

  • Mold fields

  • Local, active inflammation


* In pregnancy, a pregnancy massage can be nice after the first three months, because I am not specialized in this, I do not give massages during pregnancy. 


Absolute contraindications

You cannot receive a Reiki treatment with absolute contraindications.

  • Infectious diseases such as fever, flu, laryngitis, etc. 

  • Pacemaker

  • Cancer and tumors

  • Have had an organ transplant

  • Pregnancy 1st 3 months*

* I prefer not to give a Reiki treatment during pregnancy.

If you are unsure whether a treatment is suitable for you, consult your doctor or treating physician. When in doubt, I advise against booking a treatment. The massages and treatments that are given are exclusively intended for relaxation. 

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