Sagrada Madre
Sagrada Madre can be translated as "holy mother" or Mother Earth. They are naturally made incense & smudge products from Argentina. The ingredients are obtained locally as much as possible or Fairtrade from abroad and the company also gives back to nature by contributing to reforestation projects. Each product lasts 50-60 minutes, so you can use it multiple times. 🌿
What is Smudging?
Smudge sticks are dried herbs, plants and flowers bound together. These have been used since ancient times by the ancestors of Indigenous peoples for their cleansing effect. By smudging you can energetically clean yourself or a room. The dried herbs, plants and flowers give a wonderful scent that invigorates, relaxes and helps you to come to the here and now.
You can burn the smudge stick in a refractory bowl or Abalone shell. The Abalone shell has the colors of the rainbow, which means it has a harmonizing effect on the chakras and aura. You can use a feather to spread the smoke.
If you work in this way, you work with all 4 elements from nature: fire, air, earth and water.
How can you smudge?
While smudging, follow your intuition, try to follow your gut when it's good to stay on point and when you can keep going. Take your rest and time for the process, you can possibly turn on some soothing music.
Use a refractory dish or Abalone shell with a little sand if necessary. Sand also helps so that the dish does not get as hot.
Light the top of the smudge stick with fire and blow it out again so that it smolders and smokes.
If necessary, fan with a feather to spread the smoke. You can also do this with your hand (watch out for the smoldering stick).
Walk quietly through the room, or use it quietly around yourself.
You can extinguish the smudge stick in the sand again.
Open windows so that the energy can be released (you can do this before or after).
Smudge from top to bottom (floor) and towards a door.
Walk along the walls with your smudge stick, make sure you get into all the corners.
Draw your smoke towards you at the height of your heart, use a feather if necessary.
Pull the smoke down your arms towards the floor.
Always be careful when using fire and a smoldering smudge stick. These get very hot. Never let smoldering herbs burn when no one is around. The sand in the shell or dish helps it to become less hot. Sparks can be released so take extra care that they do not end up on you, a person, the room or the object. Smudging during pregnancy is not recommended.